Rezensionen zu: Rollstuhl Vorsatzrad V3Plus - Vosara

    5 von 5 Sternen!
    Donnerstag, 10. Oktober 2024
    After a few months, I write to congratulate you on the excellent V3Plus.
    I used it during my trip to the United States and it was really great. Despite my weight (I’m not really light, on the contrary), it allowed me to tackle uneven roads, steps and obstacles that otherwise always made it difficult for me to move by myself with a wheelchair.
    Essential to face even for the very rough streets of the historic center of Naples (Italy). Impossible to reach certain alleys only with small front wheels (who has been there knows what I speak of).
    My caregivers also liked not having to worry about small and large potholes in the streets or the slope of the sidewalks... great, good job!
    Rollstuhl Vorsatzrad V3Plus - Vosara